An Accordion for the World


Journal/magazine article published in Tekka, no 7, Dec 2004

When J. Nathan Matias discovered that his manilla accordion file was slightly smaller than the infinite, he decided to go digital: Peek into his Tinderbox for tips and tricks to see how he researches and writes creative nonfiction using hypertext.

Tekka no. 7 was a good issue.

  • Diane Greco wrote about blogging and self-transformation in "The Discourse of Diet Blogs"
  • Ed Ward writes about why the music industry battle against downloads didn't matter in "The Wrong Fight"
  • mc schraefel writes about the Semantic Web in "Thinking outside the click"
  • Stuart Moulthrop discusses his work Marginal Effects
  • Stuart Moulthrop reviews Brendal Laurel's Design Research: Methods and Perspectives
  • Frank Ricardo reviews Thorburn & Jenkins' Rethinking Media
  • Judy Malloy reported on the hypertext readings at ACM Hypertest '04